A Rainy Day Made Sunny by Strangers

Birthday Cake VeganThe meteorologists were right on point. The rain fell freely and furiously, causing flash flooding in low-lying areas. It was a great day to stay at home and relax. But my son had other plans. In fact, we had the same plans, only I was willing to forgo them on the side of safety. But I said nothing because it was all for my birthday. He had already showered me with gifts upon gifts, but he wanted to take me out to eat.

When we have flash flooding in Dallas, if you don’t know the side streets you shouldn’t drive the side street—or you could find yourself in peril. A street can be dry one minute and flooded the next. Flash! My son doesn’t know the side streets. So, he chose a freeway that took us across the street from our destination.

When we arrived at the restaurant, He provided me curb service so I wouldn’t get wet. After parking the car, he joined me inside the restaurant. And we soon forgot how hard it was raining outside.

We enjoyed scrumptious food and excellent service at V-Eats Modern Vegan Restaurant. We also enjoyed interacting with the couple sitting across from us. Near the end of the meal the waiter brought a beautifully designed vegan desert, delicious chocolate cake with rich and creamy vegan ice cream, which had “Happy Birthday” written on it.

My son pulled out his cell phone to take a few photos. The lady from the couple with whom we had been interacting offered to take photos of both of us. To our delight she took several. They were from Louisiana and had come to Dallas to see a Rangers’ baseball game.

As they prepared to leave the restaurant, we said goodbye.  When they left, the radiance of their presence remained. Shortly afterward, the waiter came to our table and informed us that the couple had paid for our food. We were speechless. That short interaction and generous gift of STRANGERS MADE A RAINY DAY SUNNY!

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