A Rainy Day Made Sunny by Strangers

Birthday Cake VeganThe meteorologists were right on point. The rain fell freely and furiously, causing flash flooding in low-lying areas. It was a great day to stay at home and relax. But my son had other plans. In fact, we had the same plans, only I was willing to forgo them on the side of safety. But I said nothing because it was all for my birthday. He had already showered me with gifts upon gifts, but he wanted to take me out to eat. Continue reading “A Rainy Day Made Sunny by Strangers”

Eight Years and Counting

I became a vegan in July of 2010, with an eye on remaining healthy into my seventies and beyond. Although I was bursting out of a size 12, I didn’t consider myself overweight. Therefore, I gave no thought to losing weight. Nevertheless, by July the following year, I was wearing a size 4-6, and feeling younger and stronger. I was happy to celebrate eight years as a vegan in July of this year, 2018.  I use the term Continue reading “Eight Years and Counting”

My First Vegan Dinner Guests

battle plan forjoy

People who know me well know that cooking is not among my favorite activities. So, when Jeff, my son, asked if he could bring some friends when he came over on Christmas Day (2010), he told me I would not have to cook. He would pick up something for dinner. It must have surprised him when I responded: “Oh, I don’t mind cooking, providing you and your friends would be willing to eat vegan.” He said that would be fine, because one of Continue reading “My First Vegan Dinner Guests”