Keeping Yourself Up When the Economy’s Down

battle plan for joy

When the economy is down, and your financial obligations are up, surrendering to your circumstances is not a winning strategy. Surrender only invites victimization. While you can’t be sure of winning if you fight back, you can be sure of losing if you don’t.

Looking back at a period of my personal financial struggles, I marvel that I am still standing—BUT GOD! I can remember a time in the 1970’s – when people complained to me that they had to get by on one dollar a day for lunch. At the same time – I was getting by on $0.67 a day—but told nobody.

Through it all, I never felt impoverished, and I never allowed those financially lean times to rob me of my joy. I claimed “better days ahead” as if they had already arrived—and one day they did.

I encourage anyone who is unemployed, especially those who have been job hunting for a long time:, to not surrender to the temptation to give up. Don’t be a victim of unemployment. Be a contender for the career you want and deserve. Go out there with all of that talent and zest for life you know you have—and contend. If you persevere some decision-maker will be smart enough to hire you.

In the words of Paul the Apostle: “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” (Gal 6:9 NLT)

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